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New GCAA Board Named

New GCAA Board Named
Expanded board increases representation for all Divisions 

NORMAN, Okla. ? The Golf Coaches Association of America has named its new board members for 2004-05 through 2005-06.  The new board has increased in size from previous years, with new positions of third-vice president, Division I directors east, west and central, Division II director, Division III director and director at-large.

Tom Drennan from the University of Rhode Island will ascend to the office of president, with Texas' John Fields filling the role of first-vice president.  Mark Crabtree - head coach at the University of Louisville was elected as second vice-president while Mike Ketcham of Arkansas was selected to serve the newly created position of third vice-president.  Former president Joe Feaganes of Marshall will serve as immediate past president.  Rich Johnson of Rochester will continue to serve as treasurer.

The representative at-large positions saw no change with Wake Forest's Jerry Haas, Jerry Hrnciar of Cameron and Nebraska Wesleyan's Brett Balak continuing to serve Division's I, II and III.

The director positions - created for more accurate representation of the membership - consists of Mike Griffin of Auburn and Michigan State's Mark Hankins representing Division I East and Central, Francis Marion's Mark Gaynor from Divison I and Emory's Mike Phillips from Division III.  Trip Kuehne was elected director at-large to become the first non-collegiate coach to serve on the GCAA board.  Division I director-west is currently vacant.