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The Official Website of the Golf Coaches Association of America




Revised Jan. 20, 2005


1. The National Advisory Board
A. The active management of the Association shall be delegated to the National Advisory Board (the "NAB"). In addition to such other functions as may be provided in the Association's Constitution and in these By-Laws, the NAB shall have the functions of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the duties and responsibilities of the committee chairpersons. The NAB is a policy-making body, which determines the direction of the Association.

B. The NAB shall meet two times annually at approximately six-month intervals. In addition, the NAB shall be empowered to hold any number of meetings deemed necessary by the majority of its individual members or by the President of the Association. Members of the NAB may participate in a meeting of the NAB by means of conference telephone or similar communication equipment by means of which all persons participating in such a meeting can hear each other. The annual Business Meeting of the Association shall be held in conjunction with the Annual Convention.

C. The members of the NAB shall be the President, the First Vice-President, the Second Vice-President, the Third Vice-President, the Treasurer, the Immediate Past-President, the Representatives-at-Large and Directors. The Association Counselor-at-Law and Executive Director shall be non-voting consulting members.

2. Representatives-at-Large
There shall be four (4) Representatives-at-Large who shall serve on the NAB. The four (4) At-Large Representatives shall consist of one (1) from Division I, one (1) from Division II, one (1) from Division III and one (1) from NAIA schools who are members of the Association. Representatives-at-Large shall be nominated and elected in accordance with Article V of these By-Laws.

3. Directors
There shall be six (6) Directors who shall serve on the NAB. The six (6) Directors shall consist of three (3) Division I Directors ? from the East, Central and West Regions ? one (1) Division II Director and one (1) Division III Director. Additionally, there will be one (1) Director At-Large that shall be selected among any member in good standing. Directors shall be elected in accordance with Article V of these By-Laws.

4. The Executive Director
A. The day-to-day administration of the affairs of the Association shall be delegated to the Executive Director who shall report directly to the NAB.

B. The length of appointment shall be decided by the NAB and shall be reviewed by the NAB on a yearly basis.

C. The Executive Director shall serve ex-officio, without vote, on the NAB.

5. Association Counselor-at-Law
A. The NAB shall appoint the Association Counselor-at-Law. The Association Counselor-at-Law's term of office may be terminated by the majority vote of the NAB.

B. The length of appointment shall be decided by the NAB and shall be reviewed by the NAB on a yearly basis.

C. The Association Counselor-at-Law shall sever ex-officio, without vote, on the NAB.

D. The responsibilities of the Association Counselor-at-Law are to: 1. Advise and represent the GCAA on all legal matters 2. Review GCAA Constitution and By-Laws.

6. Association Certified Public Accountant
A. The NAB shall appoint the Association Certified Public Accountant. The Association Certified Public Accountant?s term of office may be terminated by the majority vote of the NAB.

B. The length of appointment shall be decided by the NAB and shall be reviewed by the NAB on a yearly basis.

C. The Association Certified Public Accountant shall sever ex-officio, without vote, on the NAB.

D. The responsibilities of the Association Certified Public Accountant is to advise and represent the GCAA on all financial matters.

7. Executive Committee
A. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Immediate Past President, First Vice-President and Treasurer.

B. The Executive Committee shall work with the Executive Director, Association Counselor-at-Law and Association Certified Public Accountant during preliminary stages of association business before such issues are presented to the NAB as a whole. This includes, but is not limited to: contracts, legislative issues and issues deemed of national importance.

8. Coaches Congress
A. The Coaches Congress shall consist of coach representatives from each conference with a minimum of number of four universities/colleges in NCAA Division I, NCAA Division II, NCAA Division III and NAIA, as well as up to, but not to exceed four at-large representatives from each division. Members of the Coaches Congress shall be appointed in accordance with Article V of these By-Laws.

B. The Coaches Congress shall act as a direct liaison between the respective Division Representatives At-Large and coaches from their conference or region on all matter pertaining to legislation and issues deemed of national importance.


1. Eligibility
All individuals engaged in the coaching of men's golf and others who wish to ally themselves with the nature and purpose of the Association are eligible for membership. Educational institutions may also become members of the Association upon payment of the annual dues and notice to the Treasurer of the institution's representative for purposes of membership in the Association.

2. Classification, Duties and Privileges of Individual Memberships
A. Head Coach Membership - Any person actively engaged in coaching the game of golf on the men's collegiate level may become a member of the Association upon payment of the annual dues established by the NAB.

B. Assistant Coach Membership ? Any person actively engaged in coaching the game of golf on the men?s collegiate level as an assistant coach may became a member of the Association upon payment of the annual dues established by the NAB.

C. Professional Membership ? Individual professional golfers who are members in good standing of the PGA, LPGA, or other comparable foreign organization who teach or coach the game of golf on any level may became a member of the Association upon payment of the annual dues established by the NAB. Professional members can not vote or hold office in the Association.

D. Associate Membership ? PGA of America members, LPGA members, non-collegiate level golf coaches, women's golf coaches and other individuals who wish to ally themselves with the nature and purpose of the Association may become associate members upon payment of annual dues established by the NAB.

E. Retired Membership - Any person who is a former head coach or assistant coach at any level may become a Retired member upon payment of annual dues established by the NAB. Retired members can vote and hold office in the Association.

F. Honorary Membership - Any person who has distinguished him/herself in golf may be elected to such membership by a two-thirds vote of the members at the business meeting of the Annual Convention. Recommendations shall be presented by the chairperson of the Honor Award Committee. Any such recommendation must have received unanimous approval of the NAB. Honorary members are exempt from the payment of annual dues, shall have full benefits and shall enjoy all rights and privileges of membership, are able to serve on committees, but shall not have the right to vote or hold office in the Association.

G. Life Membership - Any individual who has been an active member of the Association for more than twenty (20) years and who has distinguished him/herself in the interests of golf may be awarded such membership by a two-thirds majority vote of the NAB. The Chairperson of the Honor/Award Committee shall present recommendations. Life members are exempt from the payment of annual dues, shall have full benefits and shall enjoy all rights and privileges of Active Membership. All Past-Presidents of the Association receive automatic Life Membership upon completion of their term of office as Immediate Past-President. Retired elected Hall-of-Fame members shall receive an automatic Life Membership to the Association.

3. Membership Fee and Annual Dues
The annual dues, in the amount to be set by the NAB, shall be payable for each fiscal year of the Association. Members whose dues are in arrears thirty (30) days or more, following notification by the Treasurer, shall be dropped from membership.

4. Termination of Membership
The membership of any member failing to maintain the code of ethics established by the Association may be terminated, suspended or otherwise disciplined by a vote of two-thirds of the NAB. The NAB shall publish the procedures regarding termination of membership.

5. Reinstatement of Members
Any member who membership has been terminated or suspended may be reinstated in accordance with the procedures adopted by the NAB.

1. President - The President shall serve as Chairperson of the NAB and shall direct the functions of the NAB according to policies established by the NAB. The President shall be a member ex-officio of all committees, and shall be the official representative of the Association. The President may not succeed himself/herself, and shall sign all contracts of the Association.

2. First Vice-President - The First Vice-President shall assist the President as requested. The First Vice-President shall act in the absence or other unavailability of the President.

3. Second Vice-President - The Second Vice-President shall assist the President as requested, conduct the election of officers according to these By-Laws, and shall serve as administrator for all functions of the Association as established by the NAB.

4. Third Vice-President - The Third Vice-President shall assist the President as requested and is responsible for presenting the minutes of all NAB meetings to the NAB for approval.

5. Treasurer - The Treasurer shall assist the President and the Executive Director as requested and shall serve as administrator of the financial function of the Association. The NAB, in its sole discretion, may require the Treasurer to be bonded in the amount equal to the anticipated total assets of the Association for his/her tenure of office. The NAB shall establish this amount. The Treasurer shall co-sign with the President all contracts of the Association.

6. Immediate Past-President - The Immediate Past-President shall assist the President as requested, shall be the chairperson of the Nomination Committee, and shall serve as requested by the NAB.

Set forth below is a list of the Standing Committees of the Association. The NAB shall have the power to create ad hoc committees in order to address matters of interest or importance to the Association.

1. Composition and Functions
A. Composition of all standing committees shall be representative of the membership and be subject to the discretion and judgment of the President.

B. It shall be the function of each standing committee to develop plans for implementing assigned duties. Each of the standing committees is responsible to a designated officer, President and Executive Director who shall be an ex-officio members of all committees under his/her jurisdiction within the procedural guidelines established by the NAB.

C. NAB members may not serve as a voting member on any standing committee unless specified in the operating procedures of that committee. Respective Representatives At-Large may be appointed by the President as a temporary voting member of a committee if an appointed committee member is disqualified from voting or becomes ineligible to serve. After a permanent replacement has been appointed, the Representative At-Large must relinquish his position on the committee.

2. List of Committees and Responsibilities
A. All-America Selection Committee in Divisions I, II, and III. The All-America Selection Committee shall be responsible for:

1. Annual selection of All-America players from four-year colleges.

2. Recommends revision of selection methods and procedures.

3. Annual selection of Player-of-the-Year

4. Annual selection of Freshman-of-the-Year

5. Naming of All-Region Teams as recommended by Regional Advisory Chairs.

B. All-America Scholar Committee - The All-America Scholar Committee shall be responsible for annual selection of All-America Scholars in Divisions I, II, and III.

C. Audit Committee - The Audit Committee shall review and report on the financial status of the Association as submitted by the treasurer at the Business Meeting of the Annual Convention.

D. Coach-of-the-Year Committee - The Coach-of-the-Year Committee shall coordinate the selection of Regional and National Coaches-of-the-Year in Divisions I, II and III. The Coach of the Year Committee is also responsible for international competition coach selection.

E. Constitution Committee - The Constitution Committee shall be responsible for:

1. Updating the Association Constitution and By-Laws.

2. Chairperson acts as parliamentarian at Annual Meeting of the Annual Convention.

F. Convention Committee - The Convention Committee shall be responsible for making recommendations to the NAB on all matter pertaining to the convention including, but not limited to, schedule of events, speakers, outings, functions, site and fees.

G. Education/Development - The Education/Development Committee shall establish procedures for the conducting of clinics for coaches and players at all levels of coaching and at all levels of competition.

H. Hall of Fame Committee - The Hall of Fame Committee shall be responsible for selections to the Association Hall of Fame.

I. Honor Award Committee - The Honor Award Committee shall be responsible for:

1. Annually selecting the Honor Award recipient; recommending to the NAB persons entitled to receive Honorary and Life Membership Awards.

2. Maintain personal data file on all nominees.

3. Keep cumulative record of recipients.

4. Recommend honors and awards to the NAB for individuals who have made a significant contribution to college golf and the GCAA.

J. Legislation Committee - The Legislation Committee shall:

1. Act and react to all legislation initiated by other national associations affecting the game of golf.

2. Act and react to all aspects of tournament play at the college level.

K. Liaison Committee - The Liaison Committee shall assist the NAB and the Executive Director on business and relationships with other organizations and foundations, e.g. - NCAA, NGCA, PGA, USGA, LPGA, AJGA and other coaching associations.

L. Membership Committee - The Membership Committee shall be responsible for assisting the Executive Director in increasing and maintaining membership.

M. Nomination Committee - The Nomination Committee shall nominate for Association offices those individuals who are most active in their contributions to the Association. The Immediate Past-President serves as committee chairperson. The committee presents a slate of officer nominations to the President as found in these By-Laws.

N. Poll Committee - The Poll Committees shall be responsible for voting in the GCAA Coaches Poll.

O. Records and History Committee - The Records and History Committee shall:

1. Assist the Executive Director in assembling and preserve the records of the Association, engage in research concerning the history of golf and maintain the archives of the Association.

2. Assist the Executive Director in maintaining a list of all GCAA award winners, including all past All-Americans and All-American Scholars.

P. Necrology Committee - The Necrology Committee shall maintain an annual record of member coaches who have died, so that proper recognition may be given at GCAA functions and included in GCAA publications.

Q. Long Range Planning Committee - The Long Range Planning Committee shall be responsible for providing the NAB with recommendations for long-term growth of the GCAA and ideas for their implementation.

R. International Competition Committee ? The International Competition Committee shall select participants for international competitions in which the GCAA participates in or administers.

S. International Coach Committee ? The International Coach Committee shall select coaches for international competitions in which the GCAA participates or administers.

T. Award at-Large ? The Award at-Large committee shall administer awards that do not fall under any other standing committees

1. Nominations - The Nomination Committee shall prepare a list of candidates for Representatives At-Large and the office of Third Vice-President no later than thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting at the GCAA convention. The Executive Director shall submit to the membership a written slate of candidates for Representatives-At-large and the office of Third Vice-President with provisions for write-in candidates as directed by the President and the NAB.

2. Terms of Office - Vacancies:
A. The President, First-Vice President, Second Vice-President and Immediate Past President shall serve for two (2) years in each office. Representatives-At-Large shall each serve for a four (4) year period. The Directors shall be elected and serve for two (2) years. The NAB shall have the power to establish different terms of office in order to evenly stagger the terms of office of the elected members of the NAB so that one-half of the elected members of the NAB are elected or advanced by automatic succession each year at the Business Meeting of the Annual Convention. The Treasurer, Executive Director, Counselor-At-Law and Certified Public Accountant shall be appointed by the NAB on a yearly basis. Members of the Coaches Congress shall be appointed and serve two (2) years. The office of President is one of automatic succession following his/her term of office as First Vice-President. The office of First Vice-President is one of automatic succession following his/her term as Second Vice-President. The office of Second Vice-President is one of automatic succession following his/her term as Third Vice-President. The office of Immediate Past-President is one of automatic succession following his/her term of office as President.

B. When any vacancy occurs in any office referred to in paragraph 2A of this Article V, excluding the office of President, the NAB is empowered to fill the vacancy until the next Business Meeting of the Annual Convention and shall do so within thirty (30) days following confirmation of the vacancy. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the First Vice President shall assume the office of President until the next Business Meeting of the Annual Convention.

3. Elections - Officers shall be elected at the business meeting at the GCAA annual convention by a majority of those GCAA members voting. Ballots will be distributed to all GCAA members no fewer than thirty (30) days prior to the convention. Absentee ballots will be signed and returned to the Association prior to the business meeting. Ballots will be distributed at the business meeting, completed and returned, and then tabulated along with absentee ballots by the GCAA First Second-President plus the Treasurer. Results will be announced by the President of the Association at the convention.

1. Annual - There shall be one Business Meeting of the membership at a date and place to be set by the NAB in conjunction with the Annual Convention. Twenty percent (20%) of those members of the Association in attendance at the Annual Convention shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

2. Regular Meetings of the NAB - The quorum for all regular meetings of the NAB shall be fifty-one percent (51%) of its voting members.

3. Special Meetings - Special meetings of the membership and the NAB may be called by the President. The quorum for any special meeting of the entire membership shall constitute five percent (5%) of the entire membership. Fifty-one percent (51%) of the NAB voting members is required for a quorum at a special meeting of the NAB. Advance written notice of at least thirty (30) days must be given prior to any special meeting.

4. Parliamentary Procedure - All business conducted at any meeting shall be governed by Roberts? Rules of Order (revised) except as may otherwise be set forth in these By-Laws.

The By-Laws may be amended by two-thirds vote of those members present at the Business Meeting of the Annual Convention and from members voting by absentee ballot received by the NAB prior to the business meeting, provided that proposed amendments are submitted in writing to the NAB at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual Convention, and provided that notice of the proposed amendments is sent to each member in good standing of the Association at least fifteen (15) days prior to the Business Meeting of the Annual Convention.


GCAA Travel Benefits Guide

The following is a list of all current GCAA Travel Partners.  Travel partner benefits may change at any time based on decisions made by respective travel partner.  For questions, please contact our office (405) 329-4222. 


Bass Travel, Lafayette, Louisiana has been the GCAA Corporate Travel Partner since 2001.  Linda Bass can be reached by calling 800 777-7371. 




American Airlines ? A partner since 2006; currently has program in place for college teams traveling with less than 10 individuals for complimentary name change.  (See Document Attached)


Alaska Airlines ? A partner since 2007; currently has program in place for college teams traveling with a minimum of six individuals for complimentary name change. GCAA special fare code is CGU0005.  The group reservation number is 800-445-4435. (See Document Attached)





Marriott VIP GCAA Members must have a Marriott Rewards number and submit to at the time they renew their membership.  Click on link below to enroll in the Marriott Rewards program: 

Hilton MVP Program

Our newest travel partner; Hilton MVP Program includes all Hilton Brands.  GCAA members must be a member of Hilton Honors Program in order to receive 20% discount on best available rate.  For complete details click on the following link:

Hyatt Corporate Travel Program  - A travel partner since 2009; Hyatt Corporate Travel Program includes all Hyatt brands.  GCAA members must use corporate number CR43182 in order to receive 10% discount on best available rate.  For complete details click on the following link:

Red Roof Inn Volume Plus
Through the Golf Coaches Association of America, Red Roof Inn is also offering additional value. When youbook your reservations using volume plus number 602833, you'll save 20% off Red Roof Inn's Best Available rate.

Red Roof Inn's volume plus number works just like an online coupon code. If you go to, Red Roof Inn's online discount code will automatically be filled in for you. If you go through directly, all you have to do is enter 602006 in the VP+ / ID # slot.  You can also make reservations at the hotel directly, 800-Red Roof, or contact our sports group department at 248-398-0274. 



Rental Cars

? a travel partner since 2006; Enterprise has created a new corporate program with guaranteed rates for all vehicles for GCAA member coaches.  If you have not registered for E-Plus as a GCAA Member in the past, you must enroll using the link below.  If you already were an E-Plus member using the previous GCAA Corporate Account Number your information will be automatically updated.  New GCAA Corporate account number is XZ51060.  Click on the link below for complete details and to enroll in Enterprise EPLUS:

E-Plus Enrollment


? a new travel partner beginning August 15, 2009; National is now a member of the Enterprise family.  GCAA members MUST enroll in National Emerald Club in order to insure discount membership rates.  If you currently are a member of the Emerald Club, please discard your old Emerald Club account number and card as of 8/15/2009.  GCAA Corporate account number is XZ51060.  Click on the link below to enroll in Emerald Club:

Emerald Club Enrollment

Tuesday, Jan. 24

GCAA Convention Day Two Recap

Division I Breakout

Extra Postseason Event
Dave Paterson and Joe Feaganes brought up for discussion the possibility of trying to add an extra postseason event for those teams that do not qualify for NCAA Regionals.

Outside Consultants (Psychologists, Fitness)
Ernest Ross reported that his compliance office stated this was not allowable unless the were categorized as volunteer coaches and was seeking feedback from how other schools handled.  Others stated that they were not allowed to let the consultants work with student-athletes at the golf course and others had to se-up the consultants as Life Skills programs.  NCAA clarification is needed for differing opinions.

24 Days vs. Nine Three-Day Tournaments
There was much discussion for and against the proposal considering schools being allowed to compete in nine three-day tournaments.  Many felt that the proposal would favor schools with less restrictive missed-class policies.  All agreed that the legislation as currently written was not as it was originally sponsored to NCAA.

Recruiting Calendar
Discussion included creation of a recruiting calendar which would include a dead period. The Coaches Congress will look into the issue.

GCAA Fan Poll

Welcome to The Golf Coaches Association of America's fan poll, where you get to vote for your top 25 favorite golf teams!

Sign in or register at one of the links below and get your ballot in today!

Results will be posted along with the official GCAA/Precept Coaches' Poll every other Thursday on our Coaches Poll page.

Vote early! Vote often! Vote anytime you like!